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- バーチャル移住⁉ 紀州わかやま はしっこ暮らし(橋本暮らし)/Virtual Moving!? Kishu Wakayama hashikko life(Hashimoto life)
This 360° movie provides you a virtual experience of life in Hashimoto City. Beautiful scenery of “Kino river” and interviews with actual immigrants from another cities about life in Hashimoto city, child-raising in Hashimoto city will help you to imagine what it would be like if you move to beautiful Hashimoto city.
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- 産山村VR 水魚園/Ubuyama Village VR Suigyoen
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- 産山村VR野焼き 高画質版/Ubuyama Village VR Burning Field
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- 草原の村うぶやまトレッキングVR(360度VR映像)UBUYAMA Trekking 360°VR Movie
そんな景色の中を歩く「草原の村 うぶやまトレッキング」の
チェックしてみてください!Ubuyama Village in Kumamoto prefecture is located in northeast part of Aso-gun surrounded by Magnificent scenery of mountains and pasture land. This VR movie introduces Ubuyama trecking course where we can enjoy great view of Ubuyma Village.
For more details, please check http://www.ubuyamamura.com
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- [おいでよ! ふくい]恋のパワースポット♡〜GoPro Fusionで行く! 360度の世界〜/[Come on!Fukui] Spiritual land of Love♡~360°View with GoPro Fusion~
やって来たのは越前市味真野地区にある「万葉の里 味真野苑」。この地区ゆかりの「継体大王」とその恋人「照日の前」の恋物語にちなんで整備された「恋のパワースポット」エリアが注目を集めています!敷地内にあるガラス温室では年間を通じて様々なお花が出迎えてくれるのでデートにピッタリですよ♡
「Manyounosato Ajimanoen」is getting attention for a newly-opened area called「Koino Power spot」where you can get spiritual power of love. This area is improved in tribute to a old story about love of man and woman. You can enjoy variety of seasonal flowers through out the year and it’s a perfect place for couples.
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- [おいでよ! ふくい] うるしの里会館〜GoPro Fusionで行く! 360度の世界〜/[Come on!Fukui] Urushinosatokaikan~360°View with GoPro Fusion~
「GoPro Fusion (360度カメラ)」の映像で福井が誇る伝統工芸品をご紹介します!やって来たのは越前漆器の産地・鯖江市にある「うるしの里会館」。木地づくりや加飾などの漆器の製造工程のほか、蒔絵パネルをはめ込んだ美しい格天井の和室などを見学できます。敷地内にある「職人工房」では伝統工芸士による漆器づくりの実演が行われていて、実際の作業を見学することができますよ!皆さんもぜひ足を運び、職人の技を間近に感じてみて下さいね!
This VR movie taken by GoPro Fusion introduces traditional handicraft of Fukui prefecture. “Urushinosatokaikan” is a perfect place for those who want to learn and see japanese traditional handicraft and craftmanship.
At “Urushinosatokaikan”, you can see manufacturing process of japanese lacquerware and Japanes-style room ceiled with beautiful “Makie” panels. We are looking forward to seeing you!
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- [おいでよ!ふくい]24 恐竜博物館〜GoPro Fusionで行く! 360度の世界〜[Come on!Fukui] 24 Dinosaur Museum~360°View with GoPro Fusion~
スペシャル企画!「GoPro Fusion(360度カメラ)」の映像で、恐竜王国ふくいが誇る「福井県立恐竜博物館」を徹底リポート!!広々としたドーム型のホールには、44体もの恐竜全身骨格や大迫力の動くジオラマ、世界が注目する福井生まれの恐竜たちなどダイナミックな展示が盛りだくさん!薗田研究員の解説とともに、皆さんを恐竜の世界へとご案内します♪
This Vr movie introduces “Fukui prefectural Dinosaur Museum”. The museum has dynamic exhibitions in a spacious dorm shaped hall, such as entire structure of 44 dinosaurs, spectacular moving dioramas, and Dinosaurs born in Fukui.
Enjoy and immerse yourself in the world of Dinosaurs.
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- VR360°動画「姫と逃げろ!」4K / VR 360°Movie Runaway with Princess
Can you solve the Mystery?
There is one mystery hidden in this story.
Mystery is going to revealed at the end of the movie.This story inspired by the rice field in Gyoda city famous for its rice field art. In 2015, Space themed rice field in Gyoda city was listed on the World Guinness record.
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- 狩野川VRサイクリング/Kano river VR Cycling
雄大な景色の中を自転車で駆け抜ける爽快感をVRで味わってください。This VR movie is produced to introduce cycling spots and sightseeing spots around Kano river.
Enjoy your VR cycling experience in spectacular scenery around Kano river.
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- 奈良市 古都華PV 第1弾 国際問題もこれで解決?篇/Nara prefenture KotokaPV Part1 Kotoka soleves International problems!?
“Kotoka” is the strawberries made in Nara prefecture which boast the highest sugar content in Japan.
This movie is made for promoting the deliciousness of the strawberries.
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- 南あわじ市 あわじ国バーチャン・リアリティ 朝ごはん篇/ South Awaji City Baa-chan (grandmather)・reality Breakfast ver.
This is (probably) the world’s first VR content which provides viewer a unique experience of eating with Baa-chan( grandmother). This is one of the measures to solve social problems of eating alone presented by country of Eating: Awaji koku.]
Eating with someone is the best spice. Enjoy delicious air of “Awajikoku” and eating with Baa-chan!
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- レジャーな街へVRトリップ/VR trip to leisure town
Enjoy the VR Movie filled with the charms of Numazu city!!
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- 宮崎県小林市 観光促進PRムービー “ンダモシタン小林 360VR”/Kobayashi city, Miyazaki City tourism promotion movie “Ndamoshitan Kobayashi 360°VR”
The world of “Ndamoshitan Kobayashi” is now enjoyable in the form of 360°VR Movie.
This VR movie takes you to beautiful scenery of Kobayashi city.
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- 南あわじ市 あわじ国バーチャン・リアリティ うずしおクルーズ篇/South Awaji city Awaji Baa-chan(grandmother)・reality Uzushio Cruise ver.
This is (probably) the world’s first VR movie which provides a viewer a unique experience of eating meal with Baa-chan. This version is a bonus movie.
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- 南あわじ市 あわじ国バーチャン・リアリティ 淡路人形座篇/South Awaji city Awajikoku Baa-chan reaity Awaji Ningyoza ver.
This is (probably) a world’s first Vr movie which provides viewer a unique experience of eating with Baa-chan.
This version is a bonus movie.
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- 南あわじ市 あわじ国バーチャン・リアリティ 夜ごはん篇/South Awaji city Awajikoku Baa-chan reality dinner ver
This is (probably) a world’s first VR movie which provides viewer a unique experience of eating dinner with Baa-chan.
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- 静岡県小山町 360°VRドローンで金太郎を探せ!/Oyama Village, Shizuoka 360°VR Find “Kintaro” by 360°VR drone
Can you find “Kintaro” hiding foot of the Mt.Fuji?